Innocent yet Confused

Today's email comes in from anonymous writer.

Ms. What should I do writes:

I'm 17yrs old, I'm in school,  I have good grades, no kids, working a part time job, and plan on starting college next year. I write to you because I have no idea how to handle this situation. Years ago, I was 12yrs old, a close family member molested me. I never told anyone any he promised he wouldn't do it again. This mad me feel horrible inside. I felt like everyone would look at me an just see a dirty little girl. This family member has since pasted. And now I just can't stop thinking about it. I feel like it's starting to affect my focus in school, and other goals I have plan for myself. I really don't want to tell the family, because they may treat me different, some may call me a liar, some may even disown me. I also would rather not tell because I would like for him to continue to rest in peace. I wouldn't want the family to hate him not be able to get answers. I just don't want to bring that to my family, I'm scared.

My question is, should I tell my family or just swallow this pill?

By kids creates

1 comment:

  1. Ms. What should I do, this is a serious matter regardless if the suspect is dead or alive. My advice to you would be to seek counseling. You are of age where you can go and get help without the assistance of a parent. I also think it would be wise to tell your mom at least. There has to be 1 family member that you are close to who will not judge you. No one as bright as yourself deserves to keep this feelings bottled up inside.You are the victim and you must seek help. Just from reading your email, you appear to be a very intelligent young lady. So please do not only Ms. Bloggy a favor, but yourself as well. Speak out, get help you deserve it.

